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Four Freedoms

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Four Freedoms

Roosevelt spoke eloquently of a future world order founded on the essential human freedom; speech, worship, want, and fear.

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Norman Rockwell

magazine illustrator who produced World War II paintings depicting the Four Freedoms.

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Good Neighbor Policy

Policy initiated by Hoover and formalized by FDR that was against the intervention in the internal affairs of Latin American Countries. Led to US leaving Haiti and Nicaragua, and repealing the Platt Amendment. Was focused on Business's of American companies abroad.

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Policy followed by FDR, Britain and France. Followed Hitlers demands in the hopes that agreeing to them would prevent a war.

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Munich Conference/Agreement of 1938

Neville Chamberlain, Prime minister of Britain awarded Hitler the Sudetenland, proclaiming that he had guaranteed "peace in our time."

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Policy that dominated congress in the 1930s. Was the desire to avoid foreign conflicts. Wanted the US to keep to themselves.

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Neutrality Acts

Banned travel on belligerents' ships and the sale of arms to countries at war.

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Cash and Carry

Congress agreed to allow the sale of arms to Britain which the U.S. had to be paid from for in cash and transported in Britain ships.

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America First Committe

Organized by opponents of involvement in Europe, included Henry Ford, Father Coughlin, and Charles A. Lindbergh.

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Lend-lease Act

Authorized military aid so long as countries promised somehow to return it all after the war; funneled billions of dollars worth of arms to GB, China, and later the Soviet Union.

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Pearl Harbor

US naval base in Hawaii that was bombed the the Japanese on December 7th, 1941. Over 2000 Americans would die. America responded by declaring war against japan. American people shocked, leaders not as shocked.

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Lead by Dwight D. Eisenhower. Was a battle where over 200,000 American, British and Canadian Soldiers landed on Normandy in Northwestern France. More than 1 million troops followed them ashore in the following weeks. Within 2 months, Paris had been freed from the Germans who retreated eastward.

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Office of War Information

Created in 1942 to mobilize public opinion. Wanted to make sure Americans supported the war. Used radio, film the press and other media. Congress would eliminate most of its funding. Also encouraged Woman to go to work.

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Economic Bill of Rights

FDR proposed to expand the powers of the Bill of Rights in order to secure full employment, an adequate income, medical care, education, and a decent home for all Americans.

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Full Employment Bill

Groups established and urged this bill to do for the entire economy what the GI Bill promised Veterens.

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Patriotic Assimilation

millions of Americans moved out of urban ethnic neighborhoods and isolated rural enclaves into the army and industrial plants where they came into contact with people of very different backgrounds.

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Bracero Program

Agreed by the Mexican and American government, tens of thousands of contract laborers crossed into the U.S. to take up jobs as domestic and agricultural workers.

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Zoot-Suit Riot

Club-wielding sailors and policemen attacked Mexican-American youths wearing flamboyant clothing, which illustrated the limits of wartime tolerance.

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Navajo Code Talkers

Transmitted messages in the complex native language which the Japanese could not understand.

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Koreomasto Vs. United States

Supreme court denied the appeal of Fred Koreomasto, a Japanese-American citizen who had been arrested for refusing to present himself for internment.

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Detroit Race Riots

a fight in Detroit city park that sparked a riot and killed 34 people; a "hate strike" of 20,000 workers protested the upgrading of black employees in a plant manufacturing engine.

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Executive Order 8802

FDR's order to ban discrimination in defense jobs and established a Fair Employment Practices Commission to monitor compliance.

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Symbolized black attitudes during the war. They insisted victory over Japan and Germany must be hand in hand with victory over segregation at home.

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Smith Vs. Allwright

Supreme court outlawed all white primaries, one of the mechanisms by which Southern states deprived blacks of political rights.

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Manhattan Project

Top-secret program which scientists developed an atomic bomb during WWII

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Yalta Conference

This was the high point of wartime American-Soviet cooperation. Seeds of conflict planted here over fate of eastern Europe.

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Bretton Woods Conference

Replaced the British pound with the dollar as the main currency for international transactions.

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Atlantic Charter

Signed between FDR and Winston Churchill. Promised that the final destruction of the Nazis would result in the people being able to form their governments. Additionally promised that all would have "improved labor standards, economic advancement and social security"

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containment policy

Policy that was aimed to prevent the spread of communism. Started by Truman Administration and George Kennan.

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Iron Curtain

At a speech in Missouri, Winston churchill claimed this. Meant the divided between Communist and Free Nationals in the east and west.

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Truman Doctrine

Policy that would provide aid to any country that struggled with communism (Greece and Turkey)

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government agency that was established to conduct intelligence and conduct secret activity abroad.

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National Security Council

An agency in the Executive Office of the President that advises the on foreign affairs.

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Marshall Plan

Program by the Secretary of State that pledged billions of dollars to rebuild and help the economic recovery of Europe. Would be one of the most successful foreign aid programs in US History.

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Douglas MacArthur

US general that was the "supreme commander in Japan" and helped them adopt a new democratic constitution. He would be fired by President Truman after he criticized the handling of the Korean War.

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Berlin Blockade

Soviet response to US, Britian, and France uniting their parts of Germany into West Germany. Prevented trucks and trains from entering West Germany.

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Pledge between The US, canada and 10 western countries to provide mutual defense against ay future soviet attacks. West Germany was a crucial part of this organization.

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Peoples Republic of China

Communists led by Mao Zedeng overthrew the Chinese government in the Civil War, however USA refused to accept the new government and insisted that old government was still current government and did not give them a seat at the UN.

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Where the old government of China went for exile. Was an Island.

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Called for a permanent military build up to enable the US to pursue a global crusade against communism. Was a 1950 manifesto described as a struggle between the idea of freedom and communism. Was made by the National Security Council.

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Korean War

In 1945 it was divided between Communist north and anticommunist south. In 1950 North Invaded south hoping to unify it all. US joined the war to defend the South. Ended in stalemate. Never has there been a formal peace treaty.

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38th parallel

Dividing line between North and South Korea

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Cold War

A conflict that was between the US and the communist Soviet Union. Though war never occurred, it went on for years.

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Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO)

Pact between Western nations that pledged to fight communism and in Asia.

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Central Treaty Organization (CENTO)

Pact between Western nations that wanted to fight communism in the middle east.

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Fair Deal

Created by Truman when soldiers returned from WWII, focussed on improving social safety net and raising the standard of living for ordinary Americans. Truman called on congress to increase minimum wage, enact national health insurance and expand public housing, social security and aid to education.

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Operation Dixie

Launched by the AFL and the CIO. Was the process of bringing labor unionization to the South thus shattering the anti labor conservatives on the regions politics. Sought to laborize the textile industry industry, steel industry and agriculture. Additionally, would organize largest strike wave in American history.

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GI Bill

Law that was passed to help soldiers returning home from WWII get home mortgages, set up small business and embark on college education.

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Taft-Hartley Act (1947)

Sought to reverse some of the gains of that organized labor had made during the 1940s. Authorized the president to suspend strikes by ordering an 80 day cooling off period. Outlawed requiring workers to be in unions. Was passed over WIlsons veto. Known for reducing Unions share of workforce.

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States Rights Democratic Party

Formed by the dixiecrats. Opposed desegregation. Instead said it was about freedom of the states. Nominated Strom Thurmond for president.

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To Secure These Rights

Published by a commission on Civil Rights in October of 1948. Called on the federal government to abolish segregation and ensure equal treatment. Truman hailed this report.

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Formed States Rights Democratic Party, opposed racial integration. Said it was about freedom of the states, not racism.

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House Un-American Activities Committee

In 1947 launched a series of hearings about communist influence in America and especially Hollywood. Called famous screenwriters, directors and actors to appear before the committee. Numerous people including Walt Disney were called in.

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Hollywood Ten

Group which included Dalton Trumbo and Ring Harold Junior that refused to testify before congress about communism in hollywood and name names. They Said it was against freedom of speech to make them testify. Would be sent to jail for six months and blacklisted from appearing in movies.

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Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

Working class Jewish communist couple from NYC. Were convicted in 1951 of conspiracy to pass secrets of the Atomic Bomb to soviets during WWII. Were given the death penalty.

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Joseph McCarthy

Senator from Wisconsin that emerged as a national pursuer of communists. Won election by lying about war record. In February of 1950 he said that he had a list of 205 communists working for the US state department. Though not one of these turned out to have evidence to lead to a conviction.

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Term used by the Joseph McCarthy for his pursuit of many communists. turned out to not get a single communist convicted. Today is known for his character assassination, guilt by association and abuse of power in leader of anti communism.

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Army-McCarthy hearings

nationally televised hearings from Joseph McCarthys charges that the army harbored communists. In this he was seen as a bully who made sweeping accusations with no basis in fact. After hearings ended he would be punished for his actions.

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J. Edgar Hoover

Director of FBI. Used anticommunism to expand their power collecting records/files on many american citizens including many people who had nothing to do with communism such as political dissenters, and homosexuals.

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McCarren-Walter Act

Passed in 1952, was the first major piece of immigration since 1924. Passed over Trumans Veto. This kept quotas in place, and authorized the deportation of citizens who were identified as communists.

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It originated in Europe between world wars to describe fascist Italy and Nazi Germany- aggressive, ideologically driven states that sought to subdue all of civil society.

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Kitchen Debate

The Moscow exhibition became the site of a classic Cold War confrontation over the meaning of freedom - the _____ _____ between Nixon and Soviet premier Nikita Krushchev. Twice during the first day Nixon and Krushchev engaged in unscripted debate about the merits of capitalism and communism.

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Golden Age of Capitalism

The end of World War II was followed by what one scholar has called the _____ ___ __ _______, a period of ecnomic expansion, stable prices, low unemployment, and rising standards of living that continued untuil 1973.

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The main engines of economic growth during the 1950, however, were residential construction and spending on consumer goods. The postwar baby boom and the shift of population from cities to suburtbs created an enormous demand for housing, television sets, and cars.

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William and Alfred Levit, who shortly built the first ________ on 1,200 acres of potato fields on Long Island near New York City, because the most famous suburban developers. Levittown's more than 10,000 houses were assembled quickly from pre-fabricated parts and priced well within the reach of most Americans.

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Centerless Cities

Cities such as Houston, Phoenix, and Los Angeles were _________ ______, because rather than consisting of downtown business districts linked to residential neighborhoods by public transportation, western cities were decentralized clusters of single-family homes and businesses united by a web of highways.

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Consumer Culture

In a ________ ______, the measure of freedom became the ability to gratify market desires.

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Baby Boom

A cohort of individuals born in the United States between 1946 and 1964, which was just after World War II in a time of relative peace and prosperity. These conditions allowed for better education and job opportunities, encouraging high rates of both marriage and fertility.

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Housing Act

The act passed in 1968 and provided new low-income housing opportunities for eligible families, and it also increased the minimum wage

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A tactic of real-estate brokers who circulated exaggerated warnings of an impending influx of non-whites, to persuade alarmed white residents to sell their homes hastily.

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First artificial satellite to orbit the earth; launched October 4, 1957, by the Soviet Union.

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Protestant-Catholic Jew

Will Herberg argued in his influential book _-___-________, religion now had less to do with spiritual activities or sacred values than with personal identity, group assimilation, and the promotion of traditional morality.

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Advertising Council

A nonprofit network of agencies, media and advertisers dedicated to promoting social programs through advertising.

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Checkers Speech

Given by Richard Nixon on September 23, 1952, when he was the Republican candidate for the Vice Presidency. Said to have saved his career from a campaign contributions scandal.

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Modern Republicanism

Eisenhower's government plan: "conservative when it comes to economics, more Liberal when it comes to social programs "

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Mixed Economy

An economy in which private enterprise exists in combination with a considerable amount of government regulation and promotion.

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Massive Retaliation

In 1954, John Foster Dulles announced an updated version of the doctrine of containment. �_____ ______,� as it was called, declared that any Soviet attack on an American ally would be countered by a nuclear assault on the Soviet Union itself.

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Mutually Assured Destruction

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Peaceful Coexistance

the two sides in the Cold War decide to cooperate in such areas as space, trade, education, and science

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Southern Christian

1957 group founded by Martin Luther King Jr. to fight against segregation using nonviolent means

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Leadership Conference

Annual conference about human rights

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Southern Manifesto

1956, Opposition of Southern congressmen to Brown v. Board of Education decision

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Little Rock Nine

In September 1957 the school board in Little rock, Arkansas, won a court order to admit nine African American students to Central High a school with 2,000 white students. The governor ordered troops from Arkansas National Guard to prevent the nine from entering the school. The next day as the National Guard troops surrounded the school, an angry white mob joined the troops to protest the integration plan and to intimidate the AA students trying to register. The mob violence pushed Eisenhower's patience to the breaking point. He immediately ordered the US Army to send troops to Little Rock to protect and escort them for the full school year.

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Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

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Military-Industrial Complex

Eisenhower first coined this phrase when he warned American against it in his last State of the Union Address. He feared that the combined lobbying efforts of the armed services and industries that contracted with the military would lead to excessive Congressional spending.

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Geneva Accords

Divided Vietnam into south and north districts, to be united in a free election. Anti-communist southern leader refused, since he saw that he would be beat by the communist northern leader. Caused a communist led civil war that led to the US involvement in Vietnam.

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