Honors World Studies- India Full History

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Caste System

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Caste System

A set of rigid social categories that determined not only a person's occupation and economic potential, but also his or her position in society

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The highest tier of the Caste system, highly clean and educated

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2nd tier of caste system, warriors, officials, etc.

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3rd tier of caste system, mostly common people

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4th tier caste that made up most of the Indian population; most were peasants and manual laborers; they had limited rights in society

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the name of the group of people in the caste system who are untouchable; they deal with blood, death, etc.

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Indus River Valley Civilization -

civilization from 2600 BC-1900 BC; entire Indian subcontinent-peninsula; possibly had twin capitals called Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro; well organized government

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Gupta Empire -

(320-550 CE) The decentralized empire that emerged after the Mauryan Empire, and whose founder is Chandra Gupta.

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Maurya Empire -

Indian empire founded by Chandragupta, beginning with his kingdom in northeastern India and spreading to most of northern and central India

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Moghul Empire -

A Muslim Dynasty in India (1500-1800) of Mongol origin (1200s), took most of india in their later years of rule

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British influence -

Britain becoming a big part of how India operated, and begun to colonize there.

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Indian Independence -

India declares itself independent in 1947 after WWII. Shows end of imperialism and loss of British empire...hard to maintain b/c expensive and militarily too weak

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Pakistan (East & West)

The proposed new area for muslims to live, designed around the time of partition.

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India -

The country we're mainly studying

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Aryans -

nomads from Europe and Asia who migrated to India and finally settled; beginning of caste system and new structure to hinduism

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Dravidians -

One of the main groups of people in India; probably descended from the Indus River culture that flourished at the dawn of Indian civilization over 4,000 yrs. ago

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Chandragupta I -

Gupta empire founder

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Akbar the Great -

known for religious tolerance. grandson of Babur who created a strong central government

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Asoka -

ruler of the Mauryan Empire in India (r. 270-232 B.C.E.). He converted to Buddhism and was known to be a peaceful and good leader from this point on.

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Babur -

First sultan of the Mughal Empire; took a large part of India.

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Chandragupta Maurya -

founder of the Mauryan Empire

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Indira Gandhi -

Daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, India's first prime minister. She was also prime minister of India from 1966 to 1977.

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Jawaharlal Nehru -

Indian statesman. He succeeded Mohandas K. Gandhi as leader of the Indian National Congress. He negotiated the end of British colonial rule in India and became India's first prime minister (1947-1964).

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Mohandas Gandhi -

A leader who strove for Indian independence from britain while using nonviolence.

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Mohammed Jinna -

The founder of Pakistan. He served as leader of the All-India Muslim League from 1913 until Pakistan's independence on 14 August 1947

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Rajiv Gandhi -

Indira's son (nehru's grandson) and was prime minister of india 1985-1989. Had some reform of economy

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rajah -

A king/prince in india, this term can be used to call the kingdoms themselves.

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Sikhs -

Nonviolent religous group that blended Buddhism, Hinduism and Sufism

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dharma -

A persons task of doing his duty each day, whatever he was meant to do.

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karma -

The belief that actions in this life, whether good or bad, will decide your place in the next life.

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Upanishads/ Gitas -

Sacred Hindu texts that help explain the ideas in the Vedas, which are Hindu oral religious traditions

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Brahma -

A Hindu god considered the creator of the world.

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Vishnu -

The preserver god of the hindu religion

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Shiva -

the destroyer god of the hindu religion

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reincarnation -

In Hinduism, the process by which a soul is reborn continuously until it achieves perfect understanding

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civil disobedience -

A form of political participation that reflects a conscious decision to break a law believed to be immoral and to suffer the consequences.

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Deccan Plateau -

A high area of land at the center of the Indian subcontinent.

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dowry -

property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage

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East India Company -

An English company formed in 1600 to develop trade with the new British colonies in India and southeastern Asia. Failed because of issues related to the army not being able to maintain control in India.

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Himalayan Republics (Nepal & Bhutan) -

Two countries towards the north of the Indian subcontinent. They both border China and have great mountains.

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Indian National Congress -

A movement and political party founded in 1885 to demand greater Indian participation in government. Its membership was middle class, and its demands were modest until World War I. Led after 1920 by Mohandas K. Gandhi, appealing to the poor.

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Indo-Gangetic Plain -

the valley in between the Indus and Ganges Rivers where most people in India live today

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monsoons (summer & winter) -

seasonal wind that dominates the climate of South Asia

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monopoly -

the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service, specifically the EIC in the 1600s.

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Muslim League -

an organization formed in 1906 to protect the interests of India's Muslims, which later proposed that India be divided into separate Muslim and Hindu nations

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Pakistan -

The new area for muslims to live, split during partition.

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purdah -

the practice among women in certain Muslim and Hindu societies of living in a separate room or behind a curtain, or of dressing in all-enveloping clothes, in order to stay out of the sight of men or strangers.

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salt march -

passive resistance campaign of Mohandas Gandhi where many Indians protested the British tax on salt by marching a long way to the sea.

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sanskrit -

An ancient language of India (the language of the Vedas)

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satyagraha -

the form of nonviolent resistance initiated in India by Mahatma Gandhi in order to oppose British rule and to hasten political reforms. "truth force"

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Sepoy Rebellion -

The revolt of Indian soldiers in 1857 against certain practices that violated religious customs; also known as the Sepoy Mutiny.

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Sri Lanka -

That little island place south of the country India.

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Thar desert -

India's longest desert that runs along India/Pakistan border

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