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Causes of the American Revolution

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Causes of the American Revolution

• Unfair taxation • Enlightenment • Colonists didn’t see themselves as British

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Enlightenment Ideas Used in the American Revolution

• John Locke (natural rights, consent in governed) • Montesquieu (separation of powers) • Rousseau (democracy and majority rules)

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Key Players in the American Revolution

Thomas Jefferson

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Effects of the American Revolution

• Inspired other revolutions • Put the British in further debt

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Causes of the French Revolution

• Separation of estates • Prices rising faster than wages • Incompetent monarchy • Monarchy overspending

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Enlightenment Ideas Used in the French Revolution

• natural rights • consent in governed • separation of powers • democracy

  • no cruel and unusual punishment

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Key Players in the French Revolution

3rd estate

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Effects of the French Revolution

• Overthrow of the king • Creation of a democratic republic • Ineffective gov’t leads to rise of Napoleon

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Effects of the Haitian Revolution

  • Economic decilne of haiti

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Key Players in the Haitian Revolution

• Toussaint Louverture

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Enlightenment Ideas Used in the Haitian Revolution

• Natural Rights / equal right

  • abolishing slavery

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Causes of the Haitian Revolution

  • American revolution

  • inequal rights

  • Abuses of slave owners

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Causes of the Latin American Revolution

• Unequal social structure (creoles, peninsulars, Indians, slaves)

  • mercantilist policy's

  • Cant trade with others

  • differences in culture • Inspiration from French & American Revolutions

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What forces influenced political and social revolutions in this period?

The enlightenment

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What were their consequences of these revolutions in both the short-term and the long-term?

Lack of knowledge on how to self-rule led to issues like being ruled by a new tyrant, economic collapse, and inevitably making little change in the unification of all social classes

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Thomas Hobbes

Leviathan, hates humans

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John Locke

Consent of the governed, natural rights

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Baron de Montesquieu

Separation of power

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Jean Jacque Rousseau


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Freedom of speech

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What people or issues did Enlightenment thinkers ignore or overlook?

The rights of women and people of color

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How did monarchs respond to the enlightenment?

Some tried to limit and control the ammount of enlightened ideas being exchanges, while some were enlightened despots and were ok with enlightenment ideas so long as their authority was not questioned

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Three estates

  1. the monarchy and the clergy - didn't have to pay taxes

  2. the upper class - didn't have to pay taxes

  3. the lower class - had to pay taxes and work for the lords

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the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

A statement of the natural rights that the white French men are entitled to

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reign of terror

Robespierre became in charge and mass executions began

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What role did women play in the French Revolution and what was the impact?

Women not only joined in the revolt but began advocating for their own rights, the result of this is the declaration of woman and citizen

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Describe the social classes on Saint Domingue in the late 1700’s

  1. Grand Blancs

  2. Petite Blancs

  3. Gens de Colour

  4. Enslaved Africans

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  1. How were the Spanish American revolutions shaped by the American, French, and Haitian revolutions that happened earlier? Who led the Spanish American revolutions?

Latin America under the control of Europe as the others revolutions, because they saw the results of the other evolutions

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Why was it apparently impossible to unite the various Spanish colonies to create a United States of Latin America?

Each of the colonies were too new, there were no concrete borders, and the cultural differences were too great

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What was the purpose of Bolivar’s Jamaica Letter?

The purpose to express his ideal enlightened continent where everyone is equal and connected

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Humas are shellfish - Thomas Hobbes

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Two Treatise on Civil Government

Consent of the governed - John Locke

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On Crime and Punishment

No cruel and unusual punishment - Beccaria

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declaration of independence

Thomas Jefferson

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Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen

Statement of natural rights - National assembly

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vindication of the rights of women

Women's rights - Mary Wollstonecraft

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Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen

Women's rights - Olympe de Gouge

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declaration of sentiments

women's right / abuses of men - Elizabeth cady Stanton

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Haitian Cahiers

Free the black people of saint Domingue - Toussaint Louverture

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Letter to the French Directory

End slavery in saint Domingue - Toussaint Louverture

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Jamaican Letter

Simon Bolivar - equality of the continent

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What caused the Berlin Conference

-Nationalism, Darwinism, white mans burden -European competition -Africas size, resources, and location -new inventions (maxim machine gun and steam ships) -wars between ethnic groups in Africa

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Effects of the Berlin conference

-it have Africa a legacy of political fragmentation -new illnesses in Africa -Africans lost control of their land -loss of traditional African leaders -new technology, education, and improved sanitation in Africa

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What was the Berlin conference

A conference of 14 nations that carved up Africa into colonies for Europeans to take (no African leaders were allowed to attend)

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Causes of the Industrial Revolution

-abundance of natural resources (coal and iron) -cheap labor -new technology (plow, seed drill, horse drawn cultivator) -geographic location (near Rivera and oceans) -agricultural Revolution -enlightenment ideas -no wars with Europe -end of mercantilism

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Effects of the Industrial Revolution

-Pollution -poor working and living conditions -economic growth -child labor -urbanization -unions -deforestation -new technology (steam engine, factories, furnace, gas powered lights) -new social classes (Bourgeoisie and working class)

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Response to Industrial Revolution

Labor unions were formed to advocate for the rights of the working class Luddites: would destroy textile machines in protest of poor working conditions Chartist movement: working class men demanded that they had the right to vote in govt. Sadler committee: investigated poor working conditions and child labor in factories/caused the factory acts Utopian socialism: Robert Owen, better treatment of workers would cause them to want to work, allowing women time off of work after they gave birth/limiting child labor/providing housing, medical care, and education

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causes of italian unification

Napoleon’s rule of the Napoleonic kingdom of Italy and the French Revolution inspired nationalism on the Italian peninsula.

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Causes of german unification

-Napoleonic wars → conquered and combined the territories -congress of Vienna → restoration of pre-Napoleon power -nationalism → causes Germany and Italy to revolt -French Revolution → inspired the revolt

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Economic response to IR (capitalism)

Capitalism: -Adam smith -free market, free economy -economic Liberty=economic progress -3 natural laws: 1. Law of self interest-working provides benefits Law of competition - competition makes better product 3. Law of supply and demand - when supply is high and demand is high that means economic progress -lassie-fair economics

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Economic response to IR (Marxism )

Carl Marx -communist manefesto -permanent social classes -the idea that family owned businesses would be destroyed by factories and because of this people would revolt causing complete equality -social class free society -the government is in the people

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African response to imperialism

-defending themselves with violence/war -attempt at unifying different tribes to fight against the Europeans -surrendering to the Europeans -diplomatically signing treaties

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Why were the British interested in India

Could supply raw materials and workers

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Affects of imperialism in india

-Indians had no control in their own politics or economics -loss of self sufficiency -intolerance to Indian culture -modernizations brough railroads, telephones, and telegraphs -sepoy mutiny

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What caused the sepoy mutiny

-british we’re trying to convert them to Christianity -british abuse

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Effect of the sepoy mutiny

-The British took direct command of India -formation of the British Raj -fueled British racism

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Historical circumstances that led to china becoming a sphere of influence

The opium wars Treaty of nanjing Chinese isolationist policies Jade and porcelain is very valuable in Britain

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The effects of china becoming a sphere of influence

-loss of control over trade -open door policy -china was divided -taiping rebellion -boxer rebellion

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What we’re the Opium wars

Britain sent diplomats over to china to china to convince them to open trade, china said no. -Britain smuggled a drug called opium in order to trade good and tea -the Chinese got addicted to the drug -china asked britain to stop and britain said no -Lin tse-hsu destroyed opium stores and china made opium illegal to try and limit the amount that was coming in -british and China began fighting

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Treaty of Nanking

-peace between britain and china -China opens trade to britain -fair tariff on trade

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Japanese imperialism

-Japan shuts off trade -the US send Mathew’s perry to threaten Japan to open trade -Japan opens trade and mondernizes

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What caused the Berlin Conference

-Nationalism, Darwinism, white mans burden -European competition -Africas size, resources, and location -new inventions (maxim machine gun and steam ships) -wars between ethnic groups in Africa

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Effects of the Berlin conference

-it have Africa a legacy of political fragmentation -new illnesses in Africa -Africans lost control of their land -loss of traditional African leaders -new technology, education, and improved sanitation in Africa

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What was the Berlin conference

A conference of 14 nations that carved up Africa into colonies for Europeans to take (no African leaders were allowed to attend)

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Causes of the Industrial Revolution

-abundance of natural resources (coal and iron) -cheap labor -new technology (plow, seed drill, horse drawn cultivator) -geographic location (near Rivera and oceans) -agricultural Revolution -enlightenment ideas -no wars with Europe -end of mercantilism

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Effects of the Industrial Revolution

-Pollution -poor working and living conditions -economic growth -child labor -urbanization -unions -deforestation -new technology (steam engine, factories, furnace, gas powered lights) -new social classes (Bourgeoisie and working class)

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Response to Industrial Revolution

Labor unions were formed to advocate for the rights of the working class Luddites: would destroy textile machines in protest of poor working conditions Chartist movement: working class men demanded that they had the right to vote in govt. Sadler committee: investigated poor working conditions and child labor in factories/caused the factory acts Utopian socialism: Robert Owen, better treatment of workers would cause them to want to work, allowing women time off of work after they gave birth/limiting child labor/providing housing, medical care, and education

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causes of italian unification

Napoleon’s rule of the Napoleonic kingdom of Italy and the French Revolution inspired nationalism on the Italian peninsula.

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Causes of german unification

-Napoleonic wars → conquered and combined the territories -congress of Vienna → restoration of pre-Napoleon power -nationalism → causes Germany and Italy to revolt -French Revolution → inspired the revolt

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Economic response to IR (capitalism)

Capitalism: -Adam smith -free market, free economy -economic Liberty=economic progress -3 natural laws: 1. Law of self interest-working provides benefits Law of competition - competition makes better product 3. Law of supply and demand - when supply is high and demand is high that means economic progress -lassie-fair economics

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Economic response to IR (Marxism )

Carl Marx -communist manefesto -permanent social classes -the idea that family owned businesses would be destroyed by factories and because of this people would revolt causing complete equality -social class free society -the government is in the people

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African response to imperialism

-defending themselves with violence/war -attempt at unifying different tribes to fight against the Europeans -surrendering to the Europeans -diplomatically signing treaties

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Why were the British interested in India

Could supply raw materials and workers

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Affects of imperialism in india

-Indians had no control in their own politics or economics -loss of self sufficiency -intolerance to Indian culture -modernizations brough railroads, telephones, and telegraphs -sepoy mutiny

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What caused the sepoy mutiny

-british we’re trying to convert them to Christianity -british abuse

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Effect of the sepoy mutiny

-The British took direct command of India -formation of the British Raj -fueled British racism

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Historical circumstances that led to china becoming a sphere of influence

The opium wars Treaty of nanjing Chinese isolationist policies Jade and porcelain is very valuable in Britain

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The effects of china becoming a sphere of influence

-loss of control over trade -open door policy -china was divided -taiping rebellion -boxer rebellion

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What we’re the Opium wars

Britain sent diplomats over to china to china to convince them to open trade, china said no. -Britain smuggled a drug called opium in order to trade good and tea -the Chinese got addicted to the drug -china asked britain to stop and britain said no -Lin tse-hsu destroyed opium stores and china made opium illegal to try and limit the amount that was coming in -british and China began fighting

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Treaty of Nanking

-peace between britain and china -China opens trade to britain -fair tariff on trade

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Japanese imperialism

-Japan shuts off trade -the US send Mathew’s perry to threaten Japan to open trade -Japan opens trade and mondernizes

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Mary Wollstonecraft

Vindication of women’s rights, women deserve education and to be equal

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Women’s rights, deceleration of the rights of women and citizen

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Joseph II

King, no serfs, free religion, free speech

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Fredirik the great

King, education, religious freedom, freedom of speech, no more extreme punishment

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Thomas Jeff

Declaration of Independence

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Salons, donated to the encyclopedia

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Cathrine the great

Religious freedom, cruel punishment, gave nobles power over serfs, warm water port

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Classical music

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Adam smith

Economics, “the wealth of nation” self interest, law of competition, supply and demand, founded capitalism

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Thomas Hobbes

Hates humans, “leviathan”, people crave power

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“On the spirit of laws” checks and balances

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“Social contract” direct dimocracy

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“On crimes and punishment” speedy trials, punishment bad

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Freedom of speech “candid”

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Sorounger truth

“Ain’t I a woman” black women deserve rights

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Elizabeth cady

Suffrage movement, sennica falls conventions “declaration of sentiments”

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Denis Diderot

Encyclopedia/ hates the French church

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John Locke

Equal rights, democracy

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Mary Wollstonecraft

Vindication of women’s rights, women deserve education and to be equal

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