human sexuality final

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(ch. 1) The best contact for individuals or couples looking for a certified sex therapist would probably be

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(ch. 1) The best contact for individuals or couples looking for a certified sex therapist would probably be

the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists.

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(ch. 1) How have television and the internet shaped sexuality?

Internet access has normalized a wider range of sexual behaviors.

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(ch. 1) Results from the NHSLS, a demographic survey of sexual behavior published in 1994 revealed that

women in relationships masturbate more than single women.

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(ch. 1) In a 2013 study, Perry and colleagues discovered that gay men had higher levels of empathy than straight men, and lesbian women had lower levels of empathy than straight women. This study suggests that empathy

shares a developmental process with sexual preference.

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(ch. 1) Which statement is most accurate according to research exploring the relationship between media violence and sexual violence in men?

Average men who view sexual violence become more accepting of sexual violence.

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(ch. 1) A researcher interested in understanding how sexual desires are expressed and controlled on nude beaches spent several months at nude beaches while naked herself. This is an example of

ethnographic fieldwork

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(ch. 1) Which type of researcher would be most likely to study the hormonal and genetic mechanisms of sexuality?

A biomedical researcher

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(ch. 1) A researcher exploring how sexually transmitted diseases spread throughout the country wished to know whether long-haul truckers were a causal factor. By working as a health education provider at truck stops, she discovered that paid sex was an accepted part of truckers' culture and that condom use is rare. This researcher was most likely trained as a(n)


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(ch. 1) In some indigenous tribes of lowland South America, people believe a child can have multiple fathers. Although this belief is biologically inaccurate as only one sperm fertilizes an egg, which of the following statements is most accurate based on their belief?

The belief increases male support and protection for children due to them having multiple fathers.

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(ch. 1) The evolutionary perspective on sexuality suggests that

there is a great deal of sexual diversity among closely related species.

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(ch. 2-3) A woman's _______ shows the most structural and functional similarity to a man's penis.


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(ch. 2-3) Vasocongestion is best defined as

engorgement of blood vessels in certain tissues in response to sexual arousal.

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(ch. 2-3) What treatment do doctors often prescribe for problems with the reproductive tract and menstruation?

contraceptive pills.

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(ch. 2-3) Tubal ligation involves cutting or blocking a woman's fallopian tubes. Why would this procedure prevent pregnancy?

It keeps sperm from reaching eggs.

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(ch. 2-3) A woman who shaves off all of her public hair

reduces vaporizing odors that act as pheromones.

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(ch. 2-3) Which statement most accurately describes cultural regulation of nudity?

Prohibiting public nudity is thought to facilitate cooperation and reduce aggression.

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(ch. 2-3) Based on the information in the graph, the nocturnal erections of a man who is temporarily unable to experience REM sleep would (picture shows REM episodes toping at sleep stage I)

cease until REM sleep was restored.

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(ch. 2-3) The spermatic cord contains the _________, which ________.

vas deferens; is the tube that is severed so a male cannot impregnate a female.

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(ch. 2-3) A condition in which the sinusoids of the corpora cavernosa are unable to collapse would result in


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(ch. 2-3) After a penile piercing, a young man develops an infection that causes nerve damage to the genital endbulbs. This will most likely lead to difficulty in

achieving erotic sensation in the glans.

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(ch. 7 & 12) Which experience is least likely during the early stages of a romantic relationship?

Companionate love

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(ch. 7 & 12) The graph shows the percentage of women and men born between 1943 and 1952 who said they had had more than one new sex partner before, during, or after marriage. If the data shown reflect the general population, which of the following statements is true?

More men than women engage in non-monogamous relationships.

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(ch. 7 & 12) According to therapists, what is the number one reason for dissatisfaction in marriage and other long-term relationships?

communication problems

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(ch. 7 & 12) Which statement accurately describes the relationship between biology and romantic relationships?

Brain imaging shows that new love and cocaine use create similar patterns of brain activity.

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(ch. 7 & 12) In some species that form pair-bonds, partners also have sex outside that relationship. That behavior pattern is called

social monogamy.

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(ch. 7 & 12) The first openly gay man to be elected to city government in the United States was

Harvey Milk.

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(ch. 7 & 12) When did the American Psychiatric Association remove homosexuality from its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders?


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(ch. 7 & 12) Alecia tells you that her gaydar is impeccable. What does she mean?

She has an intuitive ability to assess others' sexual orientations.

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(ch. 7 & 12) The observation that approximately 8 percent of male _______ are naturally homosexual challenges the claim that homosexuality is unnatural.


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(ch. 7 & 12) Which of the following has had the most important impact on changing individual attitudes toward gay men and lesbians?

Increased familiarity with gays and lesbians as more people come out of the closet

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(ch. 7 & 12) A researcher wants to gather accurate data on cybersex, fantasies, and infidelity. Which method should he use to get the most honest responses?

He should let participants enter their responses into a computer because they will be more honest about activities that they consider morally wrong.

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(ch. 7 & 12) According to research on homogamy, which couple is likely to be the most stable?

A married man and woman of the same age and race

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(ch. 7 & 12) What have twin studies revealed about infidelity?

Genetic factors influence both male and female infidelity.

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(ch. 7 & 12) In _______ love, intimacy and commitment are high, but passion is low.


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(ch. 7 & 12) How common is infidelity in committed relationships?

Most people in committed relationships do not commit infidelity.

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(ch. 7 & 12) A prejudicial attitude against gender transgression is called _______ because it is directed most strongly against males who act like females.


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(ch. 7 & 12) Two studies comparing the size of INAH3 in homosexual men, heterosexual men, and heterosexual women found that the size of this brain region was smaller in homosexual men than in heterosexual men. The most accurate interpretation of this finding is that

sexual orientation may be correlated with brain structure.

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(ch. 7 & 12) Statistically speaking, which person is most likely to disapprove of gay sex?

A person who attends religious services several times a week

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(ch. 7 & 12) Which individual is in the second stage of the coming out process?

Deanna, who has just told two of her best friends that she is a lesbian

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(ch. 7 & 12) Which of the following people is most likely to face anti-gay sentiment?

Ibrahim, a gay man who lives in Saudi Arabia

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(ch. 8) The odds of a woman dying during childbirth in the United States is about

24 in 100,000

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(ch. 8) A woman wants to give birth in a personalized, homelike environment. However, her doctor is concerned that she might develop complications and would like her to deliver where a C-section would be possible if needed. Which location would best meet both of these needs?

Birthing center attached to a hospital

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(ch. 8) Premature babies born before 28 weeks are most likely to

have complications involving the eyes, lungs, brain, or intestines.

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(ch. 8) A pregnant woman is almost three weeks overdue and shows no signs of delivering her baby. Her doctor is most likely to suggest

inducing labor with oxytocin and prostaglandins.

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(ch. 8) An older couple has a child who turns out to be a "geek," possessing high intelligence but limited social skills and mildly repetitive behaviors characteristic of people with autism. A doctor thinks this child's characteristics can be traced to his father, because

DNA in stem cells producing the father's sperm have degraded over the years.

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(ch. 9) Advantages of outercourse do NOT include

excellent STI protection.

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(ch. 9) Dr. Labuschagne is explaining a contraceptive device which is made of plastic, shaped like a T and contains progesterone. It is inserted into the uterus and can be left in place for up to 5 years. Dr. Labuschagne is describing

a hormonal IUD.

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(ch. 9) What is the major reason that male contraceptives such as intra-vas devices (IVDs) and androgen injections are not in general use?

They are still in development.

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(ch. 9) In what year did the U.S. Supreme Court extend the right to use contraception to single people as well as married couples?

1972 (Eisenstadt v. Barid)

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(ch. 9) Which factor is most often implicated in the failure of condoms?


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(ch. 8) A breast-fed baby may lose up to 10 percent of its birth weight during the first few days after birth. This occurs because

colostrum is low in calories.

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(ch. 8) The first stage of labor is characterized by

softening and effacement of the cervix.

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(ch. 8/9) Only about 1 in 200 babies is born with a chromosomal abnormality. What is the main factor preventing this number from being much larger?

Spontaneous abortion early in pregnancy

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(ch. 8) Premature babies born before 28 weeks are most likely to

have complications involving the eyes, lungs, brain, or intestines.

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(ch. 8) A woman who is 37 weeks pregnant is planning to take a week-long hiking trip in the backcountry the following week. She intends to deliver her baby in the hospital after she returns from the trip. What is her doctor likely to tell her?

Thirty-seven weeks is considered a term pregnancy, meaning there is a significant risk she will deliver her baby before or during her trip.

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(ch. 9) The new Essure method of contraception involves insertion of small metal coils into the oviducts. The resulting tissue reaction prevents pregnancy by

causing a tissue reaction that blocks the oviducts.

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(ch. 9) A major advantage of the vacuum aspiration method compared to the mifepristone method for early abortions is that the vacuum aspiration method

is faster

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(ch. 9) A woman wants to use a contraceptive that protects against HIV and prevents pregnancy, but she does not want to depend on her partner to handle contraception. She should probably use a(n)

female condom

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(ch. 9) Under which circumstance would a woman most likely choose a medical abortion, using the drug mifepristone (RU-486)?

It has been less than 7 weeks since the start of her last period.

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A woman develops major complications from diabetes late in the second trimester of her pregnancy. For her health, her doctor tells her an abortion is necessary. Which method would the doctor most likely use to perform this abortion?

A.) Hysterotomy (in late second trimester) (think this is it)

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B.) Mifepristone (part one of medical abortion, followed by misoprostol in 5% of women)

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C.) Vacuum aspiration (first trimester, surgical)

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D.) Dilation and evacuation (majority of second trimester abortions, 13-16 weeks but up to 20 or later, likely complications)

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E.) Saline-induced abortion (not)

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Which of the following viral infection can have outbreaks/reoccurrences that cause blisters/open sores that are sometimes painful?


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Given that the body is able to produce antibodies against HIV, why do many people still progress from HIV infection to full-blown AIDS?

HIV attacks cells in the immune system, compromising the body's ability to make and use antibodies.

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A short-lived Zika virus epidemic occurred in Brazil in 2014, followed by a smaller outbreak in the United States in 2016. The history of the Zika virus supports which conclusion about viral STIs?

New, potentially dangerous viruses can emerge at any time and may be transmitted in more than one way.

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Which condition is not an STI but is sometimes mistaken for herpes?


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Jeff has never had a recognized outbreak of HSV-2, but viral antibodies are present in his blood. What is the most important implication of his situation?

It means he is a carrier and can transmit the virus to his sex partners.

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Which statement correctly describes sexual assault recidivism?

Repeat offenders appear to be responsible for a significant proportion of rapes.

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Since the early 1990s, the incidence of forcible rape has

decreased dramatically. \n decreased slowly. (false) \n remained about the same. \n increased dramatically.

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Which situation is an example of grudge stalking?

Doug follows around the supervisor who fired him because he likes making that person feel scared.

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Why should a teen who receives abusive texts or emails from her boyfriend be especially concerned?

Cyber abusers are more likely than others to be physically abusive.

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A teenage boy shows no remorse for having raped two classmates. However, he becomes very upset when he learns he will be charged as an adult for the crimes. This aligns with the research finding that rapists

have little capacity for empathy.

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Which type of condom provides the least effective protection against STIs?


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Which of the following best describes the progression of syphilis over time, if left untreated?

chancre sore; skin rash; no symptoms; severe systemic illness

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Which of the following is NOT a stage of syphilis?


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Which of the following is NOT a viral STI?


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Which statement about hepatitis is true?

Hepatitis A does not develop into a chronic disease; hepatitis B can.

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A 24-year-old male follows his classmate around without her knowledge and secretly takes pictures of her. Although he has never spoken to her, he believes that she is in love with him and that they are fated to be together. This scenario describes

delusional stalking.

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In what age range do women face the highest risk for being raped?


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Most college rapes are

date or acquaintance rapes.

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A high school senior confides to her mother that she was raped after sneaking out at night to attend a college party. To help her daughter recover, the mother should

listen to her daughter without judging her.

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Which drug is most commonly used in sexual assaults?


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(Chs 13-14 & 17) _______ are people who prefer to have sexual contact with animals rather than with people.


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(Chs 13-14 & 17) "Megan's laws" are directed specifically at

registered sex offenders.

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(Chs 13-14 & 17) Raoul is an adult male who is sexually attracted to middle school-aged girls. He would most accurately be characterized as a(n)


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(Chs 13-14 & 17) The start-stop method involves alternately stimulating and not stimulating the penis. The goal of this technique is to

help a man learn to control his ejaculations.

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(Chs 13-14 & 17) Dyspareunia, or pain during coitus, is not listed as a male sexual disorder in DSM-5. This is most likely because

men seldom experience it.

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(Chs 13-14 & 17) During his youth and middle age, a man exhibited a strong sex drive. With age, he has lost interest in sex and became unable to perform sexually. He is most likely suffering from a _______ sexual disorder.


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(Chs 13-14 & 17) Testosterone supplements, such as testosterone patches, are likely to help

increase sexual desire in men with low testosterone.

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(Chs 13-14 & 17) Pornography that is considered to have artistic merit may be called


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(Chs 13-14 & 17) Advertisers who wish to market a product using sexually themed advertising should take into account that

sexually themed advertising is generally ineffective. (false) \n \n sexually themed advertising generally increases recall of the advertised product. \n \n women and men in general react to such advertising in different ways. \n \n only women and men of different ethnic groups react to such advertising in different ways. \n \n only women and men of the same ethnic group react to such advertising in the same ways.

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(Chs 13-14 & 17) Which statement accurately describes the "Nordic model" of prostitution?

There are penalties for buying sex, but no penalties for selling sex.

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