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SAT 1-12 (master list)

Full folder: ( (sentences only used during individual quizzes, not grouped)

SAT #1 (

Copious - abundant; plentiful

Tenacious - tough; stubborn; not letting go

Surreptitious - done or acting in a secret, sly manner

Voracious - an insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit; eager to consume great amounts of food

Officious - ready to serve; eager in offering unwanted services or advice

Spurious - not genuine; false

Onerous - troublesome or oppressive; burdensome

Gregarious - seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable

Pious - devout or virtuous; holy

Scrupulous - careful of small details; honest; conscientious

SAT #2 (

Attrition - a gradual reduction or weakening; a rubbing away

Edification - enlighten; instruct

Ablution - a cleansing with water or other liquid, especially as a religious ritual; the liquid used in such an act

Elocution - the art of public speaking

Writhe - to cause to twist or bend; to suffer acutely, as in pain or embarrassment

Pedestrian - ordinary; moving on foot

Carrion - dead and rotting flesh

Pinion - bind the wing so as not to fly; confine

Kismet - fate

Ambivalence - indecision; experiencing contradictory emotions

SAT #3 (

Deploy - arrange strategically

Cavalier - casual; carefree and nonchalant; arrogant disregard; (noun) a gallant gentleman

Egg - to encourage or incite to action

Mete - to distribute by or as if by measure; allot

Nullify - make useless; cancel; undo

Embroil - to involve in argument or hostile action; to throw in disorder

Waffle - to speak or write evasively

Ascribe - to attribute to a specific cause, source, or origin

Enhance - to improve; to intensify

Impair - to cause to diminish, as in strength, value, or quality

SAT #4 (

Terse - brief and to the point; concise

Coerce - to force someone by threatening or physically overpowering him

Diverse - different; varied

Abate - to reduce

Abide - to remain; continue; stay; endure

Gambit - to take a risk for some advantage

Jaunt - a short pleasure trip

Frank - straightforward; open and sincere in expression

Lithe - bending easily and gracefully

Aesthetic - having to do with artistic beauty

SAT #5 (

Gullible - Easily cheated or fooled

Mawkish - Excessively and objectionable sentimental

Raffish - Cheaply vulgar in appearance or nature; tawdry; disreputable

Continuum - A continuous whole without clear division into parts

Travail - Strenuous physical or mental labor or effort; the labor of childbirth

Intrepid - Fearless; bold

Languid - Lacking energy; weak; showing little interest in anything

Exodus - A mass departure

Influx - A mass arrival or incoming; a continuous coming

Abash - To make ashamed or uneasy

SAT #6 (

Incessant - continuing without interruption; nonstop

Latent - laying hidden or undeveloped; potential

Eloquent - extremely expressive in speech, writing, or movement

Diffident - lacking self-confidence; timid

Malcontent - dissatisfied with existing conditions

Eminent - standing out, renowned; distinguished; prominent

Wince - to flinch; to shrink back or start aside, as from a blow or pain

Prudent - cautious; discreet; exercising good judgement

Augment - to make or become greater

Ebullience - enthusiastic; bubbling with excitement

SAT #7 (

Rhetoric - the art or study of using language effectively and persuasively; over-elaborate language

Dogmatic - characterized by an authoritative, often arrogant, assertion of opinions or beliefs

Philippic - a verbal denunciation characterized by harsh, insulting language; a tirade

Pandemic - widespread; general

Idyllic - Charming in a rustic way: naturally peaceful

Cryptic - having ambiguous or hidden meaning

Choleric - hot-tempered; quick to anger

Peccadillo - a slight or trifling sin; a minor offense

Emphatic - forcibly expressive

Logistics - the management of the details of an operation

SAT #8 (

Circumspect - cautious; heedful of situations and potential consequences

Abstract - difficult to understand; impersonal; theoretical

Defunct - dead or inactive; having ceased to exist

Succinct - brief and to the point; concise and terse

Palpable - capable of being touched or felt

Accountable - expected to answer for one’s actions; responsible, liable, answerable

Ostensible - appearing as such; offered as genuine or real

Pliable - receptive to change; easily persuaded or controlled; easily bent or twisted

Adroit - skillful; deft

Bauble - a small, inexpensive trinket

SAT #9 (

Skullduggery - trickery; underhandedness

Ancillary - helping; proving assistance; subordinate

Sedentary - characterized by or requiring much sitting; accustomed to little exercise

Cursory - rapid and superficial; performed with haste and scant attention to detail

Predatory - victimizing or destroying others for one’s own gain; pillaging

Symmetry - exact correspondence of form on opposite sides of a dividing line

Tawdry - gaudy and cheap in appearance or nature

Ambulatory - of or for walking; capable of walking

Idolatry - blind or excessive devotion to something

Pecuniary - consisting of or relating to money

SAT #10 (

Panorama - an unbroken view of a wide area

Saga - A long story, often telling the history of a family

Plethora - a state of excessive fullness; superabundance

Gradient - a rate of inclination; a slope

Adherent - a follower of a leader; supporter

Vent - a means of escape or release; an outlet; a small hole

Armament - military supplies and weapons; the process of arming for war

Presentiment - a sense that something is about to occur; a premonition

Corpulent - fat; obese

Circumvent - to surround; enclose; bypass

SAT #11 (

Atone - to make amends

Replete - full or supplied to the utmost; gorge

Mammoth - huge; gigantic

Baleful - threatening; hurtful; malignant; ominous

Diminution - the act or process of diminishing

Purblind - having poor vision; nearly or partly blind

Ethereal - very light; airy; delicate; heavenly

Lackadaisical - showing lack of interest'; listless

Bland - lacking flavor or zest; dull

Devoid - entirely without; lacking

SAT #12 (

Cascade - a waterfall; anything resembling a waterfall

Palisade - a fortification of timbers set in the ground; an extended cliff

Fusillade - a rapid outburst or barrage

Parable - a simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson

Paradigm - a pattern that serves as a model or example

Patriarch - the leader of a family or tribe

Maladroit - clumsy; inept

Malaise - a vague feeling of bodily discomfort, as at the beginning of an illness

Malice - a desire or intention to harm others or see them suffer

Malodor - a bad odor


SAT 1-12 (master list)

Full folder: ( (sentences only used during individual quizzes, not grouped)

SAT #1 (

Copious - abundant; plentiful

Tenacious - tough; stubborn; not letting go

Surreptitious - done or acting in a secret, sly manner

Voracious - an insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit; eager to consume great amounts of food

Officious - ready to serve; eager in offering unwanted services or advice

Spurious - not genuine; false

Onerous - troublesome or oppressive; burdensome

Gregarious - seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable

Pious - devout or virtuous; holy

Scrupulous - careful of small details; honest; conscientious

SAT #2 (

Attrition - a gradual reduction or weakening; a rubbing away

Edification - enlighten; instruct

Ablution - a cleansing with water or other liquid, especially as a religious ritual; the liquid used in such an act

Elocution - the art of public speaking

Writhe - to cause to twist or bend; to suffer acutely, as in pain or embarrassment

Pedestrian - ordinary; moving on foot

Carrion - dead and rotting flesh

Pinion - bind the wing so as not to fly; confine

Kismet - fate

Ambivalence - indecision; experiencing contradictory emotions

SAT #3 (

Deploy - arrange strategically

Cavalier - casual; carefree and nonchalant; arrogant disregard; (noun) a gallant gentleman

Egg - to encourage or incite to action

Mete - to distribute by or as if by measure; allot

Nullify - make useless; cancel; undo

Embroil - to involve in argument or hostile action; to throw in disorder

Waffle - to speak or write evasively

Ascribe - to attribute to a specific cause, source, or origin

Enhance - to improve; to intensify

Impair - to cause to diminish, as in strength, value, or quality

SAT #4 (

Terse - brief and to the point; concise

Coerce - to force someone by threatening or physically overpowering him

Diverse - different; varied

Abate - to reduce

Abide - to remain; continue; stay; endure

Gambit - to take a risk for some advantage

Jaunt - a short pleasure trip

Frank - straightforward; open and sincere in expression

Lithe - bending easily and gracefully

Aesthetic - having to do with artistic beauty

SAT #5 (

Gullible - Easily cheated or fooled

Mawkish - Excessively and objectionable sentimental

Raffish - Cheaply vulgar in appearance or nature; tawdry; disreputable

Continuum - A continuous whole without clear division into parts

Travail - Strenuous physical or mental labor or effort; the labor of childbirth

Intrepid - Fearless; bold

Languid - Lacking energy; weak; showing little interest in anything

Exodus - A mass departure

Influx - A mass arrival or incoming; a continuous coming

Abash - To make ashamed or uneasy

SAT #6 (

Incessant - continuing without interruption; nonstop

Latent - laying hidden or undeveloped; potential

Eloquent - extremely expressive in speech, writing, or movement

Diffident - lacking self-confidence; timid

Malcontent - dissatisfied with existing conditions

Eminent - standing out, renowned; distinguished; prominent

Wince - to flinch; to shrink back or start aside, as from a blow or pain

Prudent - cautious; discreet; exercising good judgement

Augment - to make or become greater

Ebullience - enthusiastic; bubbling with excitement

SAT #7 (

Rhetoric - the art or study of using language effectively and persuasively; over-elaborate language

Dogmatic - characterized by an authoritative, often arrogant, assertion of opinions or beliefs

Philippic - a verbal denunciation characterized by harsh, insulting language; a tirade

Pandemic - widespread; general

Idyllic - Charming in a rustic way: naturally peaceful

Cryptic - having ambiguous or hidden meaning

Choleric - hot-tempered; quick to anger

Peccadillo - a slight or trifling sin; a minor offense

Emphatic - forcibly expressive

Logistics - the management of the details of an operation

SAT #8 (

Circumspect - cautious; heedful of situations and potential consequences

Abstract - difficult to understand; impersonal; theoretical

Defunct - dead or inactive; having ceased to exist

Succinct - brief and to the point; concise and terse

Palpable - capable of being touched or felt

Accountable - expected to answer for one’s actions; responsible, liable, answerable

Ostensible - appearing as such; offered as genuine or real

Pliable - receptive to change; easily persuaded or controlled; easily bent or twisted

Adroit - skillful; deft

Bauble - a small, inexpensive trinket

SAT #9 (

Skullduggery - trickery; underhandedness

Ancillary - helping; proving assistance; subordinate

Sedentary - characterized by or requiring much sitting; accustomed to little exercise

Cursory - rapid and superficial; performed with haste and scant attention to detail

Predatory - victimizing or destroying others for one’s own gain; pillaging

Symmetry - exact correspondence of form on opposite sides of a dividing line

Tawdry - gaudy and cheap in appearance or nature

Ambulatory - of or for walking; capable of walking

Idolatry - blind or excessive devotion to something

Pecuniary - consisting of or relating to money

SAT #10 (

Panorama - an unbroken view of a wide area

Saga - A long story, often telling the history of a family

Plethora - a state of excessive fullness; superabundance

Gradient - a rate of inclination; a slope

Adherent - a follower of a leader; supporter

Vent - a means of escape or release; an outlet; a small hole

Armament - military supplies and weapons; the process of arming for war

Presentiment - a sense that something is about to occur; a premonition

Corpulent - fat; obese

Circumvent - to surround; enclose; bypass

SAT #11 (

Atone - to make amends

Replete - full or supplied to the utmost; gorge

Mammoth - huge; gigantic

Baleful - threatening; hurtful; malignant; ominous

Diminution - the act or process of diminishing

Purblind - having poor vision; nearly or partly blind

Ethereal - very light; airy; delicate; heavenly

Lackadaisical - showing lack of interest'; listless

Bland - lacking flavor or zest; dull

Devoid - entirely without; lacking

SAT #12 (

Cascade - a waterfall; anything resembling a waterfall

Palisade - a fortification of timbers set in the ground; an extended cliff

Fusillade - a rapid outburst or barrage

Parable - a simple story illustrating a moral or religious lesson

Paradigm - a pattern that serves as a model or example

Patriarch - the leader of a family or tribe

Maladroit - clumsy; inept

Malaise - a vague feeling of bodily discomfort, as at the beginning of an illness

Malice - a desire or intention to harm others or see them suffer

Malodor - a bad odor