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Logic Chapter 1&2 study guide

5 common topics- definition, testimony, comparison, relationship, circumstance

2 types of rhetoric- sophist, Aristotelian

Who developed the 4 idols- Francis Bacon

4 idols and main characteristics- tribe (everybody), cave (upbringing), market (words), theater- (old ideas)

Logic- art and science of reasoning

Rhetoric- art of effective public speaking

Common topic- a set of argument categories a person can use to discover evidence for an argument. These Topics help create the best arguments possible.

Four idols- 4 main categorized ideas/habits people hold dear that hinders ability to think clearly and cause People to be prejudiced and biased.

Deductive logic- To draw down knowledge contained by a previously stated fact. A precise type of logic.

Inductive logic- To lead to. Inductive Logic leads to generalize on observations or examples that we see in everyday circumstances.

Syllogism- an argument that contains a conclusion supported by two premises

Conclusion- statement of belief

Premise- the facts used as evidence

Argument- Supply the evidence or proof of what is believed

Prejudice- Preconceived judgment or opinion
Bias- Highly personal and unreasoned distortion of judgment

Sophist- public speakers focused on sound and style rather than content.

Colossians 4:16- Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone

Proverbs 13:3- those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin.


Logic Chapter 1&2 study guide

5 common topics- definition, testimony, comparison, relationship, circumstance

2 types of rhetoric- sophist, Aristotelian

Who developed the 4 idols- Francis Bacon

4 idols and main characteristics- tribe (everybody), cave (upbringing), market (words), theater- (old ideas)

Logic- art and science of reasoning

Rhetoric- art of effective public speaking

Common topic- a set of argument categories a person can use to discover evidence for an argument. These Topics help create the best arguments possible.

Four idols- 4 main categorized ideas/habits people hold dear that hinders ability to think clearly and cause People to be prejudiced and biased.

Deductive logic- To draw down knowledge contained by a previously stated fact. A precise type of logic.

Inductive logic- To lead to. Inductive Logic leads to generalize on observations or examples that we see in everyday circumstances.

Syllogism- an argument that contains a conclusion supported by two premises

Conclusion- statement of belief

Premise- the facts used as evidence

Argument- Supply the evidence or proof of what is believed

Prejudice- Preconceived judgment or opinion
Bias- Highly personal and unreasoned distortion of judgment

Sophist- public speakers focused on sound and style rather than content.

Colossians 4:16- Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone

Proverbs 13:3- those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin.