Biology 7th grade

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Science is a body of knowledge that explains the natural world

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Biology is the study of living organisms.

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Take care when handling sharp objects

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Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water

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 Treat animals/specimens with care.

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Properly dispose of waste in the correct location.

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Handle plants only as instructed by a teacher. Avoid toxic and poisonous plants or substances.

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No running or horseplay.

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The Goals of Science:

1)provide natural and testable explanations

2) understand patterns in nature
3) make useful predictions

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Science and Uncertainty

- understanding is changeable

- things are rarely proven

- aim for best understanding

-Gathering information with these senses.

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an explanation that can be tested. 

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Scientific Method

1.) Make observations

2.) Ask a question

3.) Form a hypothesis

4.) Test the hypothesis

5.) Gather data

6.) Analyze the data

7.) Draw conclusions

8.) Share results

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a scientific investigation that is performed under controlled conditions.

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Manipulated (INDEPENDENT)

variable - the thing you change

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Responding (DEPENDENT)   

variable - what you measure

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Key elements of a graph

Title, Scale, Data categories, Data values

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information gathered from observations

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a quantity, a number or measure.

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a quality, description.

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Bar graphs

used to compare values.

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Line graphs

usually show trends or change over time. 

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 scientific theory

A scientific theory explains overall phenomena and is supported by evidence.  

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scientific theory

A scientific theory combines observations and experiments into a general explanation for a scientific phenomenon. Theories explain WHY

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scientific law

A scientific law is a statement that predicts or tells us WHAT we expect to happen

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Scientific Reasoning Also what is CER

Often scientists make CLAIMS about their findings.  Good scientists can support those claims with EVIDENCE and scientific REASONING.

Claim evidence Reasoning

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Who first discovered cells?

Robert Hooke

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Who coined the term “Animalcules”

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

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the smallest unit that can live on its own and that makes up all living organisms and the tissues of the body.

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Prokaryotes versus Eukaryotes

Look at graph!

<p>Look at graph!</p>
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What do all cells have?

Cell membrane, cytoplasm, DNA

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What organelles are only found in Plant cells?

Cell wall, Central vacuole, Chloroplasts

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What is a phenomenon?

A phenomenon is observable events that occur in the universe.

Phenomena are all around us. Some are easier to notice than others… 

Examples: Lightning, rainbows, fireflies, and more. 

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What are the goals of science?

  1. Provide natural and testable explanations.

  2. Understand patterns in nature

  3. Make useful predictions

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What is the difference between science and biology?

Science is using investigation to discover amazing things about all things in life and biology is the study of life.

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Describe “Ask a Question”

What do you want to know and why do you want to know it?

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. Describe “Research”

See if you can find any related studies/ publications. Has anyone asked about this topic before? What did they find?

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Describe “Form a Hypothesis

Make an educated guess or testable prediction.

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Describe “Design Experiment”

Organize a clear, repeatable procedure for testing your hypothesis.

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“Gather/ Analyze Data”

Collect your data by running your protocol. Then, make graphs to analyze your data. Does your data match your hypothesis?

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What did you learn, was your hypothesis correct?

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Share Results

Communicate your results with other scientists. Publish your work.

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 Further Research

Did you accept or reject your hypothesis? Can improvements be made? What other related topics could be explored? Why is this important in the big picture?

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Define the scientific method.

Organised set of investigation procedure for prediction.

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What is a dependent variable?

A dependent variable is a factor that changes based on the independent variable

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What is the independent variable?

The variable that you control or manipulate in your experiment.

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What does DRY MIX tell you?

Dry Mix:
D- Dependent
R- Responding
Y- Y- Axis

M- Manipulated 

I- Independent

X- X- Axis 

*Know variable as well

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What is a graph?

A graph is a visual display of information/data.

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What types of graphs are there?

Circle graph/ pie chart, line graph, and bar graph.

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 What is a circle graph?

Shows how a fixed quantity is broken down into parts.

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What is a line graph?

Shows trends or how data changes over time.

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What is a bar graph?

Is useful for comparing information collected by counting.

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What is the cell theory?

Three parts of the cell theory include:
1. ALL living organisms are composed of one or more cells
2. The cell is the basic unit of life
3. All cells are produced from other cells

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What is the function of the cytoskeleton?

Cytoskeleton gives the cell its shape, transports vesicles, and supports other cells plasma membrane.

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 What is role of the cell wall?

The cell walls purpose it to give support and shape to the cell.

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What types of cell have a cell wall?

Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells.

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Describe cytoplasm.

Cytoplasm is a thick, jelly-like fluid found outside the nucleus and throughout the cell. Made of liquids and salts. Other organelles located in the cell are suspended in cytoplasm.

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What is the golgi body's function?

The Golgi Body’s main functions are sorting and packaging materials. The Golgi Body uses structures called “vesicles” to deliver materials; then “ships” them out; it is like the cell’s post office.

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What do the mitochondria do?

Mitochondria transform food materials into useful energy. They are found in both plant and animal cells. Like a “battery” of the cell.

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 What is a specialized cell?

Cells that have a specific structure and function, adapted to perform a particular task within the body. All specialized cells come from stem cells.

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What is a stem cell?

An undifferentiated cell that has the potential to change into 2 or more types of cells. (Think of it as a chunk of clay that can be sculpted into a mug, a bowl, etc)

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 In order, what are the levels of organization?

The levels of organization, from most simple to most complex: organelles → cell → tissues →organs → organ system → and organism.  

Each one is made up of the one before it (so cells are made out of organelles, tissues are made out of cells, organs are made out of tissues, etc.)

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What is homeostasis?

Homeostasis is the process of regulating conditions inside the body to maintain a stable, balanced internal environment.

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What is a cell and how many do we have?

A cell is the basic unit of structure and function of all living things. An adult can have 36 trillion cells. There are over 200 specialized sales.

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What is a “negative feedback loop”?

A response by the body that counteracts an effect to bring the body to balance (think of a thermostat: it keeps air at a constant temperature and will correct the air temp if it gets too high or low.)

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What is a stimulus?

Stimulus is any change in an organism's environment that causes the organism to react so this would be cause in cause and effect

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What is response?

Response is the effect on an organism that is caused by the stimulus. So this would be the effect in cause and effect

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What are the four types of tissue?

Muscle, epithelial, nervous, and connective.

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How many types of specialized cells are there in the body? Name at least 3 examples.

Over 200!
Red blood cells, white blood cells, sperm cells, etc

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Where do specialized cells come from?

All specialized cells come from stem cells.

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What are the two paths stem cells can take?

  1. Replicate itself

  2. Become a different type of cell, two or more

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. What is the order of organs that food passes through the Digestive System?

Mouth → pharynx → esophagus → stomach → small intestine → large intestine → rectum → anus.

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What is the main function of the Digestive system?

The main function is to disassemble the food you eat into molecules your body can use as energy.

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What is the difference between mechanical and chemical Digestion?

Mechanical digestion is where food is chewed, mashed, and churned using your mouth. Chemical Digestion is the process of chewing food on a molecular level through the action of enzymes, or proteins that speed up chemical reactions in the body.

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What is the gastrointestinal tract

The gastrointestinal tract includes 8 organs that food passes through (entering the mouth and exiting out the anus.)

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What are the accessory organs?

The accessory organs include 4 organs that food does NOT pass through: the salivary glands, gallbladder, pancreas, and liver.

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Name at least 2 organs where both chemical and mechanical digestion occur.

Both types of digestion occur in the mouth, stomach, and small intestine.

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What is made in the pancreas?

The pancreas makes pancreatic juices, which have enzymes that help break down starches and proteins.

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What is pepsin? Where is it mainly found?

A digestive enzyme. Pepsin is found in the stomach as one of the acids that help break down food.

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Answer key:

  1. mouth

  2. Esophagus

  3. Stomach

  4. Small intestine

  5. Large intestine

  6. Anus

  7. Rectum

  8. Gallbladder

  9. Pancreas

  10. Liver

  11. Salivary glands

  12. pharynx

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Is the Urinary System the same as the Excretory System?

Although the urinary system may be referred to as the excretory system, they are not the same because the excretory system refers to all the waste in your body while the urinary only includes the waste in the kidneys.

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How does the urinary system maintain homeostasis?

The urinary system maintains homeostasis by keeping your body’s water, salts, and acids in balance.

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What is in the kidney that filters the dirty blood?

A cell called a nephron. We have millions of them in 1 kidney; they are tiny blood filters.

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What is urine?

Urine is a from of liquid waste. It is made of water, salts, and uric acid.

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What is excretion?

The process of removing waste and excess water from the body.

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How does urine get its yellow color?

Urochrome is a pigment that “changes colors” depending on your hydration levels. Urine can appear straw colored, amber, or yellow.

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What is “peristalsis”? Where does it occur in the urinary system?

Peristalsis is muscle contractions. It occurs in the ureters to move urine more efficiently.

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What will happen if your kidneys do not work properly?

Toxins will build up. If you don't have one working kidney unsafe levels of wastes in your blood can kill you.

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What is phosphorus & what roles does it play in the body?

Phosphorus is a building block of our genes since it makes up DNA, RNA, and ATP.
It also helps activate enzymes and help maintain blood pH. Phosphorus regulates the normal function of muscles and nerves like the heart.

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Urine color

What does it mean?

Pale straw or clear yellow

➔Your urine is healthy and normal! 

Darker yellow, honey-colored

➔You need more water

Darker brownish color

➔Liver problem/severe dehydration

Pinkish, red urine

➔You likely have blood in your urine


Urine color

What does it mean?

Pale straw or clear yellow

➔Your urine is healthy and normal! 

Darker yellow, honey-colored

➔You need more water

Darker brownish color

➔Liver problem/severe dehydration

Pinkish, red urine

➔You likely have blood in your urine

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  1. Kidney

  2. Ureter

  3. Bladder

  4. Urethra

  5. Capsule

  6. Renal pelvis

  7. Cortex

  8. Medulla

  9. Rugae

  10. Internal sphincter

  11. External sphincter

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 What are the key functions of the respiratory system?

Transporting air into and out of the lungs, protecting the body against inhaled particles, and exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide gasses are the key functions.

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Why do we need to breathe?

Oxygen is needed for cellular respiration the process that organisms use to break down food molecules to get chemical energy for cell functions.

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What are the 2 divided parts of the respiratory system? Name the parts of each tract.

The upper respiratory tract: nose/mouth, nasal cavity, conchae, pharynx, larynx. 

The lower respiratory tract: trachea, bronchi, lungs, bronchioles, alveoli, diaphragm.

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What are the components of the respiratory system?

The components of the respiratory system are the nose, nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, lungs, bronchioles, alveoli, diaphragm.

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