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Extensor Digitorum Longus

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Extensor Digitorum Longus

O: Lateral Condyle of Tibia I: Dorsal surface of Phalanges A: Extends Phalanges of Lateral 4 Toes

<p>O: Lateral Condyle of Tibia I: Dorsal surface of Phalanges A: Extends Phalanges of Lateral 4 Toes</p>
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Peroneus Longus (Goes behind lateral malleolus) (main action eversion)

O: Lateral condyle tibia and lateral fibula I: Base of 1st Metatarsal, Medial Cuneiform A: Everts and assists with Plantar flexion of feet

<p>O: Lateral condyle tibia and lateral fibula I: Base of 1st Metatarsal, Medial Cuneiform A: Everts and assists with Plantar flexion of feet</p>
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Peroneus Brevis

O: Distal lat fibula I: Base of the 5th metatarsal A: Everts and assists with Plantar flexion of the feet

<p>O: Distal lat fibula I: Base of the 5th metatarsal A: Everts and assists with Plantar flexion of the feet</p>
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Peroneus Tertius

O: Distal Anterior Fibula I: Base of 5th metatarsal A: Dorsiflex ankle and evert feet

<p>O: Distal Anterior Fibula I: Base of 5th metatarsal A: Dorsiflex ankle and evert feet</p>
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Tibialis Anterior

O: Lateral Condyle TIbia I: Base of 1st Metatarsal, Medial Cuneiform A: Dorsiflexion, assists in inversion of the foot

<p>O: Lateral Condyle TIbia I: Base of 1st Metatarsal, Medial Cuneiform A: Dorsiflexion, assists in inversion of the foot</p>
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Tibialis Posterior

O: Lateral/Posterior Tibialis, Mediul Fibula I: Navicular and Cuneiform A: Inverts and Plantar flexes ankle

<p>O: Lateral/Posterior Tibialis, Mediul Fibula I: Navicular and Cuneiform A: Inverts and Plantar flexes ankle</p>
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Flexor Digitorum Longus

O: Posterior surface of the tibia I: Plantar surface base of distal phalanges A: Flexion of four smaller digits

<p>O: Posterior surface of the tibia I: Plantar surface base of distal phalanges A: Flexion of four smaller digits</p>
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Flexor Hallucis Longus

O: Posterior fibula I: Plantar surface of the base of the distal phalanx of hallux A: Flexes all the joints of the big toe and plantar flex ankle joint

<p>O: Posterior fibula I: Plantar surface of the base of the distal phalanx of hallux A: Flexes all the joints of the big toe and plantar flex ankle joint</p>
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O: posterior tibia and fib I: Posterior calcaneus A: Plantar flex ankle

<p>O: posterior tibia and fib I: Posterior calcaneus A: Plantar flex ankle</p>
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O: Medial and Lateral Condyle of Femur I: Posterior Calcaneus A: Plantar flexion ankle, assists in knee extension

<p>O: Medial and Lateral Condyle of Femur I: Posterior Calcaneus A: Plantar flexion ankle, assists in knee extension</p>
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Rectus femoris

O: Ant. Illium (AIIS) I: quad. Tendon patella-pat tend-tib tuberosity A: Extends the Knee/ Flexes hip

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Vastus Lateralis

O: greater trochanter and lateral femur I: quad. Tendon patella-pat tend-tib tuberosity A: Extends Knee

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Vastus Intermedius

O: ant femur I: quad. Tendon patella-pat tend-tib tuberosity A: Extends Knee

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Vastus Medialis

O: Med Femur I: Quad Tendon patella-pat tend-tib tuberosity A: extends knee (especially last 10-20 degrees/ terminal knee extension

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O: ASIS (ant superior iliac spine I: proximal medial tibia A: flex, external rotation, adduct hip, and flex the knee

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Biceps Femoris

O: ischial tuberosity (most lateral hammy)I: Fib Head A: Flex Knee and extend Hip

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O: ischial tuberosity I: Proximal, medial tib A: Flex Knee and extend hip

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O: ischial tuberosity I: medial condyle of tibia A: Extension of hip and flexion of knee

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Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL)

O: Anterior Iliac crest ASIS I: Into the iliotibial tract- the IT band insiters on the lat. tib tuberosity A: Flexion, internal rotation, abducts the hip

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O: Ischipoic ramus I: Proximal med tibia A: hip adduction, knee flexion

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Pes Anserine (muscle group)

I: proximal medial tibia Greek for Goose Foot (Resembles that) Sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus--> SGT A: flexing the knee

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Adductor longus

O: Pubis/ pubic symphysis I: Mid. linea Aspera A: Adducts Hip

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O: Iliac fossa of ilium I: Tendon of the psoas major A: Flexes hip w the psoas major (together called iliopsoas

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Psoas Major

O: Transverse process of all lumbar vertebrae I: Lesser trochanter of femur A: Flex hip w the help of iliacus

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Gluteus Medius

O: External surface of the illum I: Greater trochanter A: Abduct hip (major stabilizer for walking)

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Gluteus Maximus:

O: Illum, sacrum, coccyx I: It band and posterior femur A: extends hip

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Rectus abdominis

O: pubic crest and symphysis I: costal cartilage and xiphoid process A: Flexes vertebral column

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Quadratus lumborum

O: iliac crest I: Last rib and transverse process of the L1-4 A: extension and lateral flexion of the vertebral column

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Erector Spinae

O+I: runs from cervical to lumbar spine A: extension of the spine

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Internal oblique and external obliques

A: laterally flex vertebral column (unilaterally) Flex vertebral column (bilaterally) Rotate vertebral column (unilaterally)

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Latissimus Dorsi

O: Spinous process T6-S5, iliac crest and lower 4 ribs (16 total) I: lesser tubercle of humerus A: Extension and adduction of humerus

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O: base of skull and spinous process of c1-t12 (19) I: post. Clavicle acromion process, spine of scapula A: elevates and depresses scapula, and draws the head to the same, side turns the head to the Opposite, extends the neck

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Rhomboid Major

O: T2-T5 spinous process I: medial border of scapula A: Adduction, rectraction, and elevates scapula

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Pectoralis Major:

O: medial clavicle and lateral sternum I: Greater tubercle A: adduction and flexes humerus

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Pectoralis Minor

O: outer surface of the ribs 3-5 I: coracoid process of the scapula A: Depresses scapula

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Serratus Anterior

O: Outer surface of the 1-8 ribs I: Medial border of the scapula A: draws the scapula forward (protraction)

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O: supraspinous fossa of the scapula I: greater tubercle of the humerus A: Initiates abd, stabilizes the head of humerus, and internal rotation

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O: Infraspinous fossa of scapula I: lesser tubercle of humerus A: Externally rotates the humerus

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Teres Minor

O: lat. border of the scapula I: greater tubercle of humerus AL external, rotation of the humerus

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O: Subscapular fossa of the scapula I: lesser tubercle of humerus A: internal rotation of humerus

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Teres Major

O: Inf. Angel of Scap I: Below lesser tub of hum A: Add, Ext. Hum

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Deltoid: (ant,mid,post)

O: Anterior-clavicle, mid-acromion, post-scapula spine I: deltoid tuberosity of humerus A: Anterior-flexion, mid-abduction,post. Extension of humerus

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Biceps Brachii

O: Short Head- coracoid process of the scapula, long head-glenoid fossa of the scapula I:Radial Tuberosity A: Flex. Elbow, supinates forearm

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Triceps Brachii

O: lat. scao and post humerus I: olecranon process of the ulna A: extension of elbow

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O:Distal lateral humerus I: Styloid process of the radius A: flex elbow, assists w pronation and supination

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Extensor carpi ulnaris

A: lat. epicondyle I: base of the 5th metacarpal A: extension and adduction of wrist

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Extensor carpi radialis brevis

O: lateral epicondyle and radial collateral ligament of the elbow I: dorsal surface of 3rd metacarpal A: extends and assists w/ abd of wrist

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Flexor carpi Ulnaris

O: med. Epicondyle of the humerus I: med. Carpals and 5th metacarpal A: flex and adduct wrist

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Flexor Carpi Radialis

O: med epicondyle of the humerus I: bases of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals A: flex and abd. Wrist

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Palmaris Longus

O: Med epicondyle I: flexor retinaculum A:flex wrist

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Palmaris Longus

O: Med epicondyle I: flexor retinaculum A:flex wrist

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Extensor Digitorum

O: lateral epicondyle of humerus I: dorsal surface of the middle and distal phalanges A: extends phalanges 2 -5

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Flexor Digitorum Superficialis

O: Medial epicondyle of humerus I: 4 tendons into sides of middle phalanges 2-5 A: Flexes the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints

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Flexor Digitorum Profundus

O: Anterior, medial, proximal ulna I: 4 tendons into base of distal phalanges A: Flex. Distal Interphalangeal Joint (dip)

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