Child Development Unit 1

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What is the difference between growth and development?

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What is the difference between growth and development?

Growth is things that can be measured easily, like changes in weight and height. While development is the gaining of skills, such as thinking, talking, moving, or other things that are harder to measure.

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What are the 4 domains of development?

Physical (gradual development of turning head, then crawling, then walking, etc.), cognitive (learning how to read), emotional (learning how to properly express oneself), social (learning the right and wrong ways to communicate with others).

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What are the 3 stages of childhood that we will be studying this year?

Infant, toddler, preschooler

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What are the principles of development?

Development is similar for everyone, Development builds on earlier learning, Development proceeds at an individual rate, The different areas of development are interrelated. (Phys, Soc, Emot, Cog), Development continues throughout life.

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What are 7 things that affect the development of a child? Give examples of each.

Genetics (disabilities), health (access to healthcare), gender (gender roles), family (are they treated well by them), environment (is their surroundings clean or dirty), education (are they taught good or bad things), culture (how do your traditions affect your life)

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How are nature and nurture different?

Nature is what you are born with, nurture is what you are taught

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How does studying twins separated at birth give us insight into the study of nature and nurture?

It shows how despite separation there can be a lot of things in common between separated twins. Separated twins without knowing one another would also show how without each other’s influence and feeling the need to be different from one another, they would end up super similar to one another.

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What is the difference between objective and subjective writing? Which one should we do when observing?

Objective writing is writing based on sensory experiences and facts. Subjective writing is based on personal opinions, experiences and thoughts.

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How does Ai affect Child Development? List at least 3 ways and explain.

 It can increase motivation, engagement and can adapt to children’s individual needs. Improved grades and use data to analyze performance. It may be expensive, have unattended biases like racial biases, a lack of privacy or some fears of things happening if data on a child is leaked, ai may not encourage others, and lead people to not want to go into teaching and cause classroom and anxiety and lower participation. It can also risk replacing teachers as AI come for many jobs.

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